4 Supplements That Your Pup Needs Just As Much As You

4 Supplements That Your Pup Needs Just As Much As You - Tether Tug

You do a lot to keep your dog healthy, but have you considered whether they are getting all the nutrition they need? Just as people take supplements to make sure they are healthy, your dog needs some extra help too. Here are a few supplements you should be prioritizing for your dog.

Joint Supplements

Dogs, even the youngest puppies, have a number of problems that involve joints and bones. Animals are very physically active and move around more than humans do. Pain and joint fractures could appear in dogs of any age.

In a young or old dog, a joint injury may not heal properly and become misshapen over time. You can encourage the healthy growth of your puppy's limbs by adding a supplement that contains glucosamine or chondroitin for joint health. Also look for a calcium ingredient that increases bone density.

Fish Oils

Fish oils have omega 3 fatty acids that hold numerous health benefits for both humans and animals. These benefits include reducing the risks of strokes, heart attacks, and high cholesterol. Finding the right supplement for your pet is another concern. Some supplements are low quality with toxins and inferior ingredients that spoil easily. In addition to the quality, look for the right concentration levels of omega 3 fatty acids that vary with each product. There are fish oils that are specially formatted for your dog, so invest in those instead of giving your dog the same ones you take.


Probiotics consist of good bacteria that are beneficial to intestinal health. The good bacteria are claimed to replace the bad kinds that cause constipation, diarrhea, and poor immunity. Although scientific research is continuing to develop, many people advocate the use of probiotics supplements for pet health. They can reduce diarrhea, bad breath, and gas, as well as prevent digestive infections.


A multivitamin contains the recommended daily dosages of nutrients that you need in one pill. Vitamin C works to reduce bacterial infections and improve immunity, while Vitamin E helps to improve cardiovascular health. The other components of these supplements are iron, folic acid, calcium, potassium, and herbs. If you aren’t sure what your dog needs, talk to your vet. They can identify any deficiencies and problems your dog has.

You want your pet to be healthy, but you need to be careful. Before you start feeding your dog anything new, make sure you do your research. Just because it is good for you doesn’t mean that is good for your pet.


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