6 Pet Safety Concerns You Need to Know

6 Pet Safety Concerns You Need to Know - Tether Tug

When it comes to making sure that everyone is safe and sound, pets can often be overlooked. After all, many are able to take care of themselves for the most part and can seemingly exist on their own if need be. However, if you want to be 100% sure that your pet is safe no matter what, there are a few precautions you can take. Better safe than sorry.

Home Dangers

Just like a curious young child, pets tend to want to investigate and get themselves "into anything." A good rule of thumb in your home is to safeguard your pets against anything you would for a young child. Watch what you throw in garbage cans, where you place food and hot cookware, the location of sharp objects, what you keep in accessible cabinets, the positioning of electrical cords, and potential choking hazards. If you are remodeling your home, then you will want to take steps to ensure that your pet is away from wet paint and other potential hazards. 

Food Dangers

Pets should not be fed the same diet as humans. For many animals, feeding them certain foods that are perfectly safe for humans can cause real injury. As much as those puppy-dog eyes melt your heart, you are better off not feeding your animals any table scraps.

Weather Dangers

Similar to humans, many animals are sensitive to weather conditions. They get cold when the temperature drops and warm when the temperature spikes. Treat your animals like humans. Don't leave them in cars for extended periods, always make sure they are hydrated, and never leave them outside unprotected and unsupervised in extreme weather.

Outdoor Dangers

While porches and balconies don't need to be totally off-limits for pets, precautions should be taken to avoid injury. Block out or put fencing around areas that are open and have a drop-off, such as high balconies or crawl spaces. Make sure your yard is well-fenced in. And when you’re not at home, always keep them leashed. Add "Do Not Enter" signs or "Beware of Dog" signs to either your fence or door to warn visitors that you have a canine friend about.

Transportation Dangers

Traveling with your pet can be rewarding. Just make sure that they are safe and secure. Don't open the windows wide, it's best that your pet cannot get their head and paws fully out. Never travel with an animal in the back of a pickup. Always remove the leash to prevent strangulation.

Stranger Danger

If your dog is aggressive to or fearful of other dogs or other people, then your dog could be a danger to them as well as itself. Owners are responsible for the behavior of their dogs, and if your dog bites or attacks another person or animal, you could be held liable in court. Protect your dog and others by training and socializing your dog properly. Additionally, remember to keep your dog leashed when in public.

Our pets are part of the family and should be treated that way. Take the extra steps to ensure the safety of your pets. And if your pet does get into something potentially harmful, never hesitate to call the vet. Even if it's not something that you would need to seek immediate medical attention about, a vet can give you the best advice on what to do to ease your worries.


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