Pets are beloved family members, and it is essential to be aware of possible hidden dangers in the household. Here are five dangers that may be lurking in your home that could harm your beloved pets.
Chocolate is wonderful for humans—but it is not wonderful for dogs. Chocolate is actually toxic to dogs. A small amount probably isn't dangerous, but if you find your pup has eaten a few chocolates, monitor them for symptoms. According to VitaLife, symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, seizures, and even heart failure. Consult a veterinarian if symptoms emerge.
Carbon Monoxide
As ADT points out, carbon monoxide gas or CO has no color or taste so you aren’t going to detect it, and your pet won’t either. In high concentration, it can be deadly. Pets are just as susceptible to carbon monoxide poisoning as people. Install and maintain detectors in your home. Avoid locking your pet in enclosed areas with a running engine, such as a garage.
Keep furnaces and water heaters well-maintained, and make sure fireplaces and chimneys are clean. Carbon monoxide poisoning manifests itself with extreme lethargy, heart arrhythmia, breathing difficulties, coma, and death. If you suspect carbon monoxide poisoning, move your pet to an area with fresh air and call the vet.
Low-Quality Kibble
Over the years, there have been several recalls of dry dog food and pet snacks. Chemicals in these substances have been known to cause seizures. Be aware of any recalls in your area, and avoid, if possible, low-quality dog food.
Pets are attracted to one of the most common, yet toxic substances in your garage: antifreeze. Antifreeze contains ethylene glycol, which smells sweet and delicious to your pets. It does not take much to kill an animal. Symptoms include excessive urination, shaking, racing heartbeat, wobbly, unstable movements, diarrhea, and erratic behavior.
If you suspect antifreeze poisoning, get your pet to the vet immediately. Prevent this situation by securing all antifreeze containers. In the event of a spill, keep animals away until the area has been thoroughly cleaned.
Rat Poison
Some rat poisons are very attractive to domestic animals, particularly cats. Some rat poisons prevent clotting and cause internal bleeding. A pet who has a lot of blood in the stool, or who vomits blood, may have consumed rat poison. Other symptoms include excessive salivation and seizures. Get your pet to the vet immediately if you suspect poisoning.
These are just a few of the possible threats your pet may face from common, everyday items. Awareness of the dangers can help pet owners prevent tragedy. In the event that your pet is injured or made ill by any kind of accident, make sure you take them to the vet promptly and that you have the best pet insurance to help return them to the best of health.