4 Ways to Simplify Puppy Potty Training

4 Ways to Simplify Puppy Potty Training - Tether Tug

Housebreaking a puppy can be a frustrating process if you're short on time. In addition, there are some breeds that are just hard to train. However, with patience and plenty of paper towels, you can teach your dog where they should use the bathroom.


When you get up in the morning, take the puppy out to the spot you want them to use. Put them down and stay in the area until the puppy does something. Be prepared to stand there for a while at first. When the puppy gets the hang of it, set them down once you're outside and let them walk to the spot themselves.


It's critical to use a crate early in the training process. According to Orvis, a crate can serve as your puppy’s sanctuary, where he can get comfortable while training until he gets familiar with your home and the designated potty spots. Be sure to line the bottom of the crate with something that smells like you, such as an old towel that you've used for years or an old sweatshirt. If you're not specifically paying attention to the puppy, put them in the crate. As soon as you take them out of the crate, take them to the potty spot.

Home Turf

It's possible to train your puppy to do its business on artificial turf. In fact, some puppies may appreciate the texture of this material, and if you're in an apartment a piece of this turf on your patio can help when you're pressed for time. However, long-term use of faux artificial grass can't be a replacement for time on real grass as you enjoy exercise together outdoors. According to Artificial Greens, many dog owners prefer artificial turf for the advantages it offers over traditional grass.

Never Punish After the Fact

If your puppy had an accident in the house an hour ago, punishing them now won't work. However, if you notice your puppy starting to squat in the living room, raise a ruckus so they connect pottying on the living room carpet with "No!" This is why crate training is so critical. Unless you can closely monitor the puppy, they need to be in their crate for the first week until they get accustomed to the potty turf. Every time they successfully use their potty spot, celebrate with kind words and a little treat.

Your dog is a member of your family and you deserve to live in a house that isn't a giant bathroom. This early training takes time and focus. If possible, don't crate the puppy for more than four hours at a time and understand that you may need to get up in the middle of the night on occasion.

Looking for something to keep your puppy healthy, happy, and entertained? Try a Tether Tug!

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